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 Getting source files to copy from custom business template to new project

6/4/2019 11:38:36 AM
ASPRunner.NET General questions
Pete K author

I'm working on creating a standard business template to use as a starting point for new projects for my organization. I've got it mostly working except for one thing. I have a couple of files I'd like to include in my new projects. One is an additional .config file which should go in the app root and the other is a custom .cs class which should go in the /include folder.
In the past when I've set up new projects without a business template, I would put the config file in the project /source folder and the class file in /source/include and it worked perfectly. I tried putting the files in the same folders in the template folder structure in /source, but that did not result in the files being copied to the new project as expected.
Where should I place these files within the template structure get them into the project /source folder?

jadachDevClub member 6/4/2019

Just curious. Are you using a project you created then saving as a template?

Sergey Kornilov 6/7/2019

Are those files making it to the output folder?
When you create a project from the template or add template to the project additional template files will reside in <project folder>\business\<template name>\source folder. They should make it all way to the output folder from there.

Pete K author 6/7/2019

Just curious. Are you using a project you created then saving as a template?


Pete K author 6/7/2019

Are those files making it to the output folder?
When you create a project from the template or add template to the project additional template files will reside in <project folder>\business\<template name>\source folder. They should make it all way to the output folder from there.

Ah, I see. Thanks Sergey. I wasn't being patient enough.

Sergey Kornilov 6/7/2019

This change was mainly designed to prevent files from different business templates mixing together or even overwriting each other.